Left 5.45am (because we had already been awoken by mossies & "no see'ums") from our free dock in Sister's Creek nearing the Florida Georgia border. Made great headway on long peaceful waterways with little traffic and lovely homes lining the right bank. We passed a lone canoeist doing some sort of challenge row - he must row all night because we had passed him a few days earlier ( or we are really much slower than we realise). After such an earlier start we anchored midday near an entrance to the Atlantic. We were almost tossed out of the bed by huge rolling waves and jumped up to see who was the idiot "waking us". Being waked is a common term applied to inconsiderate boats passing too fast & leaving large wakes that bounce you about. We could see no vessel near us but the waves would have been 5 feet and rolled past us to hit the shore & roll back again. On reading about the Navy's King Bay submarine base ahead of us, home to 6 Trident subs, & all the restrictions & security, we noted the following "
submarines returning from the Atlantic Ocean to the King Bay base create huge wakes, especially when steaming fast in the exposed entrance channel" That would have been nice to know - also
patrol boats are likely to escort you through the area if a submarine is present. We had upped anchor after the wake & sure enough noted the patrol boats and saw the wake of the sub way ahead after it had slowed to enter their base where NO WAKE signs are posted for passing boats! Such excitement! We continued up a long, creek meandering through swamps, narrow channels & lots of shoaling. We crossed the Andrew Sound, the closest we get to the Atlantic Ocean and the bumpiest part so far on an incoming tide and a 15+ knot easterly. We had now entered into Georgia and tied up at Brunswick Landing Marina for a 2 day rest.
lots of new high bridges |
down under café (under a bridge) |
Nuke Sub, and little friend
who followed us until clear of security zone |
Our new carpet, getting a bit flash. |
Nice Shrimper |
Tied up at Brunswick
Landing Georgia |
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